Find Out How to Beautify Your Smile
One of the fields in dentistry that I really enjoy is cosmetic. It allows us to improve a patient’s smile, their appearance. We’re meeting somebody for the first time, that first time appearance is just so important, especially with the smile. So, we’re able to improve patients’ smiles, whether they’re crooked, rotated, chipped, discolored, missing. We’re able to utilize all our modern technology to acquire the information that we need, and then understand what’s best for our patient.
With our impressions and such, we’re able to make models. We’re able to take photographs as well. It merges together, along with the x-rays, and make some decisions on what might be in best interest. Sometimes, it’s, again, as simple as just whitening the teeth, maybe adjusting or smoothing a tooth. Whereas in others, they benefit from a porcelain laminate or a covering called a veneer.
Others may have had such extensive work on their teeth over time that they have a lot of dated discoloration, older fillings and such. In these cases here, we benefit more with an all-porcelain crown to cover over the teeth. Again, a person that’s missing a tooth, we find that replacing it, whether it being with an implant, sometimes, a bridge might even be beneficial. And some of our patients who are missing a number of teeth might benefit with even having a denture to help replace missing teeth.
So, if you’re unhappy with your smile, please give us a call.