See What We Can Do for You With Dental Implants
One particular case that I’ve worked with a patient with implants is that she had a full lower denture that for a number of years, she had lost bone, lost teeth, and now was left with just a lower. She had her natural upper teeth. So, I’d see her every few months or so for an adjustment on that denture. I offered to her considering implants that are supporting a new denture. She still had the bone missing, so she did require a denture, but this particular prosthesis actually snapped in for her. It did not move. So, she has benefited so much with eating. She’s told me that she’s going out with her families, to dinner socials that she’d not done before. She feels much more comfortable when the grandchildren come over and the denture doesn’t pop, as she would say. So basically, implants is an excellent option, especially for our patients that are fully edentulous on one particular arch. So, if you think that you are a possible candidate for implant dentistry, please give us a call.