Make Sure Your Smile Gets the Surgical Service it Needs

During any dental problem, our very first objective is getting you out of discomfort. When you visit Friendly Smiles Center, we make convenience a concern all the time, which shows we are prepared to end your suffering rapidly.

With dental sedation, you can stop pain and ease your mind rapidly. We provide dental sedation and relaxing amenities to help you feel entirely relaxed throughout your care.

As soon as we have guaranteed your relaxation, we can concentrate on finding the ideal fix to mend your smile. We offer a number of types of surgery and other services, including:

  • Tooth Extractions– Sometimes the damage to your teeth is too great to restore it. When it’s needed, we can handle tooth removal.
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal– We can fix issues with your wisdom teeth if they present any current or prospective hazards to your smile or your oral health.
  • Bone Grafts– If you have lost bone mass in your jaw and wish to become a prospect for oral implants, a bone graft rebuilds the jawbone.
  • Dental Implants— If you do need teeth extracted, you need to get the best teeth replacements possible. Implants substitute the roots of your lost tooth, so your restorations can be strong, protected, and stable.
  • Other Services— We can likewise perform ridge enhancements, socket preservation, jaw and facial restorations, biopsies for oral pathology, and more.

We can help you keep your healthy smile with our various preventive services and basic dentistry as soon as we’ve handled your problem. If you need an oral surgeon in Delran, NJ, call Friendly Smiles Center 856-359-4000 to schedule your procedure. You can also schedule online.