Ensure Your Smile Receives the Best Surgical Solution

Throughout any type of dental problem, our very initial objective is to get you out of pain. When you head to Friendly Smiles Center, we make comfort a consideration constantly, which shows we are prepared to resolve your suffering swiftly.

With dental sedation, you can stop discomfort and also alleviate your mind rapidly. We offer dental sedation as well as soothing services to aid you feel totally unwinded throughout your care.

As soon as we have actually guaranteed your comfort, we can focus on discovering the suitable fix to mend your smile. We offer a number of types of dental surgery and also various other services, consisting of:

  • Tooth Extractions– Often the damages to your teeth is too much to restore it. When it’s required, we can deal with tooth extraction.
  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction– We can resolve troubles with your wisdom teeth if they present any current or possible dangers to your smile or your oral health.
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction— If you have multiple dental problems like missing, damaged, and unhealthy teeth, we can completely rebuild your smile by combining several procedures.
  • Dental Implants— If you do call for teeth extracted, you need to receive the greatest teeth substitutes possible. Implants restore the roots of your removed tooth, so your remediations can be strong, safe and secure, and constant.
  • Other Solutions— We can likewise perform ridge augmentations, restorative dental procedures, gum disease treatment, and more.

We can assist you in maintaining your healthy and balanced smile with our various preventative services and general dental care as soon as we’ve managed your concern. If you require an oral surgeon in Moorestown, NJ, call Friendly Smiles Center 856-359-4000 to arrange your procedure. You can also online.